When everything falls apart, parents are the only saviour who can make you understand your worth in this life. Here’s to their 20th anniversary.


They are the ones who hold you tight

the ones who always treat you right

when emotions are heavy,

they are the ones who give you the light

the world's chaotic,

but it's chronic,

if you want it iconic

Your parents will always be on it.

When its toxic, they are the tonic

Shades of septic,

and yes!! they are the ones who make it prolific,

They throw in their logic, but yeah, they are always honest

The fruits of love they peal

the law and order they appeal,

The limits they seal

but your brightest future they feel

When the world's giving you a raw deal

they are always the one to heal.

They always tell us to shoot for the stars

they will hold your back in this journey of scars,

Angry and frustrated you always are

It will leave you so bizarre

But making you sit in the front seat of their car

is their only flower.

No matter how much you hated them and thought they were wrong,

The intentions they have will always make the right song

They are our greatest friends

You 'll realize this the day you play with them a game of ping pong

they 'll be our best mate even in disguise

always rip apart our cries

correct our lies

tear apart the frights

beautiful nights

our everlasting skies

allaying our sighs

Championing our might's

an everlasting grace

unfolding our maze

our indefinite escape

So much to praise

but it's worth every phrase

They 'll make us cruise

hide our bruise

lace up our blues

and never let us loose

Parents will forever be our friends

And love us unconditionally till the very end.

It's my ultimate pleasure

to present this poem to my parents who together, are my enjoyable leisure

The infinite love between us, we can't measure

ever caring mom, superhero dad

My parents, my forever treasure.


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