
Showing posts from March, 2022


  Hey yo! How you doin? Pain’s there , isnt it looming? “ I'm feeling like I'm torn apart Like I might be nothing, You've been leaving all these scars On everything you touch and I am gone I am gone, I am never coming back again “ Life has its ups and its downs But you, my dear, always manage to be amongst the clowns Drown, drown, and drowning Always ending up in a darkening night, frowning The stars you looking, Its the deepest scars though u sowing But its always the late night cries, mourning!! Its always a gloam Sadened face its a defoam Everybody knows my heart's vacant now Yeah, she hates me now, I made mistakes, but now I don't ever wanna be alone, I don't really ever feel at home On my own, in the zone That's the only way I know, feelin' low What how when i ll make the flow The deeds the spirits always on a beffitng low Winds cruising beneath but the doubts you sow You wanna just find love but its the hate you show My life is full of empty promis

As Sweet As Failure!

Let it dawn to you that taking risks is a part of bold character. There's a significant chance that you fail, and the one who is afraid of it, isn't the one for the success anyway. Ask yourself a question every morning, are you really alive , or just following the path? Now , everytime you fail, its amazing, cuz you know why, becoz shows that you are alive, it displays that charisma that you want something real bad !  You try, you fail, you learn, you grow, you succeed , that's just the cycle of life. You have to prospect into a better reality for yourself. Let it flow, take risks, and yeah, it's good to fail . And you know what the best part is? The best part is that it's Hard , if it was easy, everybody would do it. " You never really know what's on the other side,  Till you give that shit a try, know the limit is the sky, ayy "


 The people around will lie to you, provide their faker versions, they will deeply kill you inside leading to toxicity. Sometimes you can try your best to make things better, but certain characters are just not worth having. They possess dominance yet limiting themselves and others. Harsh reality but you have to let go of these people, who tend to create hatred and demolish other beings. Cut em off, and go back to things or people which actually add some value in life. Nature will help if nothing else does. Donot let these doughnuts make you believe that there is no love around. Always be grateful and look to make world a better place by building personal and proffesional relationships, some ppl will nvr value it, doubt your intentions , but get out of the blur, and start looking at a bigger picture. Remember that privacy is naked. RISE ABOVE HATE!!! and someday , in your own timeline , you will definitely make the flow.

Turning Down!!!

"Its a wreck, yet you gotta pay a rate It should be a sake, yet you are always late It's a net, it capsizes you, still u r on a good fake Not a sunrise, it's a sunset, along with the doubts , it's your unfortunate fate "