
Showing posts from April, 2022


  When everything falls apart, parents are the only saviour who can make you understand your worth in this life. Here’s to their 20th anniversary.   PARENTS - FOREVER TREAURE ❤️ They are the ones who hold you tight the ones who always treat you right when emotions are heavy, they are the ones who give you the light the world's chaotic, but it's chronic, if you want it iconic Your parents will always be on it. When its toxic, they are the tonic Shades of septic, and yes!! they are the ones who make it prolific, They throw in their logic, but yeah, they are always honest The fruits of love they peal the law and order they appeal, The limits they seal but your brightest future they feel When the world's giving you a raw deal they are always the one to heal. They always tell us to shoot for the stars they will hold your back in this journey of scars, Angry and frustrated you always are It will leave you so bizarre But making you sit in the front seat of t